Founded research projects

ICN funded research projects
EN-HOPE SMART4CBT - East North-Hematology Oncology PEdiatric consortium offering a research program of Social sciences, Microenvironment & multiomics Analyses in RadioTherapy resistance For Children Brain Tumors
Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research, in the presence of Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention, announced the three winners of the “PEDIACRIEX23” call for applications at the Institut National du Cancer in Boulogne-Billancourt. This will enable the creation of three integrated research centers of excellence in pediatric oncology, accredited for 5 years. These centers are responsible for programs that will enable the fight against childhood cancer to reach a decisive milestone.
ICN Business School participates in the human and social sciences axis of the EN-HOPE SMART4CBT Center (East and North - Pediatric Hemato-Oncology consortium offering a research program in social sciences and the tumor microenvironment, using multiomic analyses to study resistance to Radio-Therapy in pediatric brain tumors). This conjugates the North and East inter-regional structure of Pediatric Onco-Hematology (EN-HOPE), where Strasbourg, Nancy, and Lille collaborate synergistically to meet the needs of young patients with aggressive brain tumors. The human and social sciences research axis will create a more holistic care environment centered on patient well-being and shared decision-making, thus fostering a more personalized and attentive approach to each patient pathway. This ambitious, large-scale program has been awarded 3 million euros in funding.
Alejandra Duenas is responsible for WorkPackage 2, which involves modeling and optimizing the care pathway by developing a decision-support tool.
The ResINN action research program on "responsible and innovative management of public organizations" is in its second and last phase (2024-2025).
A statistical inquiry has been conducted by Clarice Bertin for evaluating the learning organization dimension of the Regional Administration. It has been presented on December 1st, 2023 to our partner.
Three particular actions in the field of public policies and the sustainable transformation of local territories are still under investigation and analysis:
- the "Internats du Futurs" project, aimed at exploring how to improve boarding schools;
- the "Carrefour des Mobilités" project, aimed at exploring how to transform transportations in the Vosges area;
- the new profession of "Regional Project Developer", aimed at improving the collaboration between local and central public actors.
In each of the three projects, our approach is to mobilize artistic artefacts in order to promote, facilitate end achieve transversal collaboration.
Several communications have been made in national (Airmap, AGRH) or international (Organisations de demain) conferences, and articles published in scientific journals.
Public presentations have been organized in Nice (REMIX, Annual meeting of internal public management schools), or Metz (Manag’Est).
The coming year will see the publication or our final report, and the sharing and dissemination of results through art-and-science events.
Center for Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship (CDTE) : Kamel Mnisri et Klaus-Peter Schulz :
The year 2023/2024 has been rich in events and actions. The CDTE (Centre for Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship) is continuing its mission to support and promote digital transformation in the Grand Est region through responsible and creative entrepreneurship, using creativity and innovation methods.
The actions carried out in 2023/2024 are part of the continuity and consolidation of what was undertaken in 2022/2023, but with a strong international dimension, the aim of which was to explore what is being done elsewhere and which could enrich the CDTE's activities.
In 2023/2024, 53 students took advantage of the CDTE's expertise in creativity and innovation methods to carry out innovation projects. The CDTE provided financial support for a group of students to travel to Stuttgart as part of an innovation seminar. This visit enabled the students to visit the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO. The students had the opportunity to discover how new business models and solutions for digital transformation are developed. In addition to this visit, the students visited ARENA2036 (Active Research Environment for the Next generation of Automobiles) where a wide variety of interdisciplinary projects were born. In particular, the students had the opportunity to visit the Design Factory, a platform for co-creation between students and business partners.
In addition to these actions, last year saw the co-organisation, in partnership with the scientific priority sustainable development and creativity, of seminars for teacher-researchers. The first seminar focused on positive deviance, an approach designed to initiate and support organisational change. This method encourages the discovery of problems and solutions at community level with the aim of bringing about innovative and sustainable change within a community or organisation. This asset-based approach builds on and amplifies unconventional practices that have worked. The seminar was led by Professor Arvind Singhal from the University of Texas. The second seminar was led by Dr. Soila Lemmetty from the University of Eastern Finland and focused on Employee Centred Learning and Innovation. The CDTE also continued to support the Women's Entrepreneurship Hackathon.
To mark the end of the funding project, the CDTE co-organised the CDays [Creative Days] with Artem Nancy. This is an event involving its founding schools [École nationale d'art et de design de Nancy -Ensad Nancy-, Mines de Nancy and ICN Business School]. Two sessions have been proposed for 2024, from 16.09 to 18.09.2024 & from 18.09 to 20.09.2024, bringing together more than 300 first-year students from the 3 schools to discuss creativity and cross-disciplinary issues. The theme chosen for 2024 is "Transforming end-of-life automotive products into opportunities". The students will be given two creative options: to imagine and create a work of art using end-of-life car parts, or to develop business ideas using end-of-life car parts.
Funding for the CDTE project came to an end in September 2024, but the centre has been established at ICN Business School's Station A and is continuing its activities to enable ICN to strengthen its commitment to being an active player in the region to meet the aspirations of its ecosystem in terms of entrepreneurship and digital transformation.
The ITeachWell project led by Jean-François Stich is now complete. This past year, the european consortium (8 partners from France, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Bulgaria) have worked hard in order to launch the ITeachWell e-learning platform. This platform aims at helping teachers cope with technostress and at helping schools support the technostress their teachers might face. It contains over 360 contents (videos, quizzes, documents) translated in 6 languages. It was launched in March 2024 and now has hundreds of teachers registered from all around Europe. In May 2024, the last consortium meeting took place in Riga (Latvia). Throughout 2024, several events took place in Europe to raise awareness around teachers' technostress.
The VIVERES (Vers une Industrie du futur VERte et RESponsable) is now complete, led by Jean-François STICH (ICN) and Benoit GRASSER (Université de Lorraine)
Over the year, 3 case studies, 25 interviews and 5 writing workshops were conducted, in order to explore how cobots (collaborative robots) change factory work and how workers perceive them and imagine their futures with or without them. We identified 4 ways through which workers interact with cobots, and 7 metaphors used when talking and writing about cobots. The results have led to the publishing of a book entitled "Au boulot, les robots..." and several conference papers so far.
ESG investing, retail investors’ profile and behavior (January 2022 – December 2023)
"This research project focuses on the behavior of economic agents—particularly individual investors but also financial analysts—in relation to ESG investment. Specifically, it examines whether individuals consider companies' ESG profiles and assigned ESG scores in their decision-making processes. This project has led to the publication of two articles (in Finance Research Letters and The European Journal of Finance) and one working paper."
With : Prof. Tristan Roger, ICN Business school, Catherine d’Hondt, Professeur, LFIN/LIDAM, Louvain School of Management, UC Louvain, Maxime Merli, Professeur des Universités, LaRGE, EM Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg