Help for ICN Thesis

Authors have authorized online publication of their work on the Knowledge Hub, run by ICN Library.
All publications are copyrighted, all reproduction is forbidden without authorization of the author(s).
ICN Business School applies an anti plagiarism policy and all online theses have be run through an anti plagiarism software.
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Please write to with the references of theses you might wish to read.
Do your research on the Knowledge Hub's main search engine, under 'ICN Theses', then send us the theses references.
Reading recommendations
Each year in October, ICN Library offers a workshop to get started with Zotero for your Master Thesis: Join us!
In a single click, Zotero gathers all your documents (books, articles, web sites, videos...) to turn them into bibliographic references and it exports them to create a bibliography, following the norm of your choice.
Zotero can be installed on a USB Key, on your web browser or used online.
Your Zotero content can be accessed online, synchronized between several computers or even shared with other users.
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